I don't know where to start.... A lot has happened since the last time I posted something on here....
But everything is good now... It's almost close to perfect...
Jon and I are waiting to get a house on base so in the meantime we are staying with some close friends of ours. But we are looking at these townhomes called 'The Gables" they look soo cute, it's a new development in Jacksonville and they are still building townhomes and wont be done till the end of the year... So hopefuly Jon will come to his senses and says yes into looking into them... :)
Anyways... Jon got orders to switch units. He will be with 1/8 (fml) I don't know how to feel about this.... I understand that its the MC and get over it but... I rather have him deploy with the MEU you know...
So yeahhh... I guess thats it for now... :)