As each day passes by and Jon is not here by my side; I know that deep down inside I am getting a little stronger... I guess you can say I'm preparing myself before he leaves for his second deployment? He is currently in Twentynine Palms; California. He's only goint to be there for a month to do some 'intense' training... (He told Cheryl and I that when he's in California he will take 'bag' showers and live in a tent... that's what he ment by 'intense')
I want to say thank you to the young man that has an IPHONE and lets Jon uses it to get internet connection so we can have a skype date. But hopefully they will all come home soon and that his friend will come home in time for the birth of their first child.It's so crazy that in two months Jon will be gone and I wont see his handsome face for about seven months if that more. But it's not another MEU deployment...He will be going to Afghanistan... Yep; I said it Afghanistan... I don't even want to think about him going over there. I know that I sound like a little whiney marine wife and that I need to grow up and get over it. But; give me a break... It's my first 'land' deployment and I'm a little nervous about it all... I don't know what to expect and what to think and how to react. I'm a little afraid that hes going to come home different. I have a million things running through my head and it's making me go crazy... I just want him to come home safe next year and not be different and be that same funny, crazy, silly guy that I fell in love with.
Am I being paranoid?