Say it with me now.... SA-RAN (g is silent) HEY-O. Say it one more time.....
There yah go! Saranghaeyo means 'I love you' in Korean.
I don't know if there is something in the Jacksonville water. But I've lately I've been having such a HUGE sweet tooth. Also I've been eating cheese, crackers, grapes, and strawberries all together. Jon thinks I'm prego; and thinks I should take a test. Boy the look I gave him made him think twice. I know I'm not pregnant and I know my body 1984398439 times better then Jon and anyone else.
Anyways; I've been obsessed with baking. YES; baking. I remember when I was younger. I used to bake all the time with my mom and when Jon and I had our first home. We made a dozen of things like upside down pineapple cake, cupcakes, muffins and soooo much more. Now that I've been introduced to I've been baking like I could own my very own bakery. Hmmmm I wonder what I could call it. Sarang Bakery??? Sarang means 'love' in Korean. I remember the first time Jon said "I love you" to me. We went to Myrtle Beach for day trip and was laying out on the beach and soaking up the sun... It was so cute and funny. I still smile till this day when I think about it. How he tucked my hair behind my ear and whispered into my ear saying 'Saranghaeyo'. He's so stinking cute. lol.
Another thing that I've been obsessed with is Summer Rolls. It's a Vietnamese style dish. Some people eat it as a snack, main meal, or a appetizer. But I've been eating it as a meal. It's very very healthy for you and a good diet food. My mom swears to me up and down that she lost weight eating this and not fat food. lol
This is what they look like. That brown stuff is peanut sauce that you can eat with it. But Cheryl eats it with Soy Sauce and I eat it with a mixture of this spicy sriracha sauce, three crabs fish sauce mint leaves, and jalapenos. You can get the sriracha sauce from wal-mart in the 'Asian' section. There are many ways to make this and you can just sipmly google it. We usually use lettece, cucumbers, rice noodles, shrimp, crab meat, mint leaves, and little beef pieces. Trust me ya'll would LOVE it. You can get the rice nododles and rice paper at your local Asian Market. We have one here in Jacksonville off of Western... I hope you try them out and ENJOY :)
My new favorite yummmy dessert is Strawberry Short Cake. Let me tell you. Its heaven in your mouth. I also made a Banana Nut Bread last night and added a few things here and there and its soooooo freaking AMAZING. Just thought I share..
Well; it's almost 2:30pm and I need to get off and get ready so Jon and I can go to Tire Country to get another effin tire.
Have a BEAUTIFUL day...