Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Tomorrow Tomorrow....

Oh how I can't wait for tomorrow... It's only a day aaawwwaaayyyy.  As you can see how EXCITED I am that I'm going to see my dad for the first time since July 2009. I've missed him so stinking much. It sucks that I don't get to talk or/and see him as often as other. Since he pretty much lives on the other side of the world... But anyways my father is coming to visit us for a week. I know there will be a slight chance I'm going to get annooyeed of him after 3 or 4 days. Since Jon and my father loves to drink and crack jokes on me every chance they get. Which puts me in a grumpy mood. But I know I will forever be a daddy's girl. :) It sucks that my mom can't come to visit since my Aj still has school and my dad is only coming because he has some ball/class thing for his MOS. I really don't know. But hopefully I will get to visit my family in S.Korea sooon. Thats if I have that money to spend on a ticket.
We are going to do a ton of things. Which I'm excited about. Plus a BBQ on Saturday. =) Im going to make spinach artichoke dip and Mandiy potatoe recpie. =)

1 comment:

  1. Awh, I know I'm a little late, but I'm glad you're getting to see your dad. (: Whenever I can get settled in at Cherry Point (God willing, haha) I think my daddy is coming to visit. I hope you had a good time.
